Jenny Goes to the Big Apple!

by | Aug 9, 2010 | Blog, Conferencing | 19 comments

Since that kind-of sounds like the title of a children’s book… let’s just go with it, ehh?!

There once was a woman who lived in a shoe grown woman who went to the Big Apple. Except THIS Big Apple was not round, red and crispy. THIS Red Apple was big and smelled like street, pee, hot knish and gyros… and it shined at night… a lot like Jenny’s dress! Yes, she wore THE DRESS!

Sparkle Dress

[photo cred: my much adored Shannon of Mom Improvement. She stood on a chair for this shot!]

When Jenny went to the city, she did lots of exciting things. She met celebrities…

Chillin' with a Jonas Brother

Look! A real-live celebrity!

She sang on a big stage. You know, Jenny has always felt she missed her calling as a female gansta-rapper. *gang sign here*

Takin' the Stage

Ice Ice Baby *vanilla*

She ran in a tutu on Broadway. Clearly, Jenny felt a connection with the people of New York. She just blended right in.

Tutus on Broadway!

Jenny is a BIG adventurer. She took a picture in front of a fountain.

A fountain near Central Park

Her grand New York adventure took her on a Sunday morning stroll through Central Park. She took a few moments to sit on a bench, sip on her iced caramel macchiato and be thankful… for the adventure at hand, and the family she was missing at home…

On a bench in Central Park

Jenny is a good learner. She learned to carry a bigger purse in which to stash her flip flops, but knew the power of a cute shoe…

Kickin' It

Her creativity blossomed in the city. She took pictures of people taking pictures… Clearly, the city became her muse…

A picture of a picture-taker

Janice of 5 Minutes for Mom

Jenny saw the Po-Po…

The Po Po In the NYC

And like a cherry on top, Jenny crashed a couple’s ride (in a later post) on a petticab/rickshaw/whatever and enjoyed a calm, low-key *cough cough, hack, hack, hack* ride through Times Square.


Jenny had lots of fun in the Big Apple and is pretty sure you can’t see the fear in her neck eyes in the above picture…

Of course, there were many, MANY other adventures… the biggest having to do with the people of BlogHer 10. Oh how Jenny loves her people. But our Jenny is very tired from all her many wonderful adventures, so this Jenny is going to type just a few more letters… The End.


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  • How about an embarrassing moment? I share one here… Share yours for a chance at $150! I hope you’ll share… I love the funny!


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