The Monday Minute (or two)… with special guest!

by | Apr 4, 2016 | The Monday Minute, Video

Welcome friends. Once again, it is MONDAY! From National Sweet Potato Day to Draw A Picture of a Bird Day of Friday…

Draw a Picture of a Bird Day


Well, I guess you’ll have to watch the video to find out what other days are coming up this week.

As always, I can’t wait to read about how you are going to take on this Monday and kick this week off the right way. It’s our spring break… and though we have no awesome tropical destination to look forward to… I am looking forward to not using my morning alarm and a toned-down schedule.And I’m looking forward to some spending much-needed leisure time with my kiddos, and then celebrating my husband’s birthday the end of this week! Whee!

Peace. And Sparkles!

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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