Back-to-School: What do moms do with all their “free” time? [vlog]

by | Sep 9, 2011 | Parenting/Family, Video | 20 comments

Now that all the spawn are in school – all day… I have been asked, “So whatcha gonna do with all that free time?”

I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do…

In fact, it seems I have had so much time… I have become a regular photographer and master of text-on-photo!

A sixth grader?!!!

Fourth grade sweetheart

I can't believe she is in first grade.

Disclosure: My son’s favorite movie… that’s the Baby Daddy’s influence.

Admission: I call my husband Baby Daddy. Because IT’S FUNNY and that’s how we roll.

Lastly: I do make VERY good tacos. Well.. if you like really good tacos. If you don’t like really good tacos, then you wouldn’t like mine at all.


P.S. eBay? (you have to watch the video)… This post explains why!


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Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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